Tēnā koe readers,
It’s about time. It’s about time for more women in workplaces. It’s about time for women in tech. And it’s absolutely time for you to be proud of the work you have accomplished this year. Step by step, we are working to move the dial on the tech gender gap and parity across workplaces.

We started Q3 by sharing stories of women in tech via our TechWomen Series in September, which wrapped up on Ada Lovelace Day. These were viewed in the thousands, and shared across schools, organisations and instigated more confidence amongst women in tech. In case you missed it, you can watch the entire series here.
In this month’s newsletter, we curated a number of recently published reports that talk to the global and local progress on gender in workplaces, such as McKinsey & LeanIn’s Women in the Workplace 2019 and Westpac’s Workplace Gender Gap Report.
At TechWomenNZ, we have a multitude of objectives to execute on and we are looking for more volunteers (women and men) to help us progress some of our work in promoting, connecting, and advancing women in tech in New Zealand.
If you are interested in getting involved, please hit reply or email Dil Khosa to register your interest and we can chat more about how you can help!
Let’s do this!
Have a great November,
Ngā mihi,
Dil Khosa
Registration closes tomorrow Women in Business – Leadership panel “21st Century Leader: intersection between traditional and new leadership approaches for women” 12 November, Auckland
Building inclusive cultures and meetings
Recruiting Suggesting for bringing in more Women Interns in Tech
Why Tech’s Approach to Fixing Its Gender Inequality Isn’t Working
ISACA – TechWorkforce 2020 ReportThe ISACA surveyed more than 3,500 tech professionals to see what motivates them, what influences them to stay at a job or move on, and whether age and gender impact those responses. Read the report here.
As we know, gender gap is bad for business. But just how bad? Read more here.
Using AI to eliminate bias in hiring. Does it work?
See some of the coverage from Ada Lovelace Day.
View latest episodes on Women in Tech
Know a young woman doing something incredible? Nominate now
Funding for Women’s Leadership Development
This fee support opportunity provides a scholarship of up to $8,000 for women to take part in one of three leadership courses.
The grants have been provisioned for use by women across the country, with a specific focus on the technology industry, but must be allocated by the end of 2019. The programs are suitable for junior managers right through to executive level women. Register Expressions of Interest here until 6 December
Attend Refactor Auckland, 20 November, Auckland
Case Studies –
Returnships (Signal ICT)
PROFILE: Julia Pye
Brewery Manager to Business Analyst
PROFILE: Jess Wren Professional Services Delivery at Datacom
PROFILE: Toni James
From Snowboarder to Code Cutter
Register for Strengthening Inclusion and Diversity in the Health Technology Sector, 21 November, Hamilton
What motivates women in tech?
Robert Walters speaks to Sarah Dueweke, who was awarded a six month tech internship at Westpac. Partnering with Westpac, Robert Walters helped facilitate the internship at the WREDA Tech Ruck in Wellington.
TechWomen NZ Series click here to access the playlist and here for news coverage
Looking across the ditch, science prizes are still a boys’ club. Here’s a piece on how this could be changed
TechWomen Exec Member Profile – Who are we?