TechWomen ran another successful series of Mentoring Circles this year from May – October around the country. The program was sponsored by InternetNZ with many of our members volunteering their time as mentors.
While running the sessions virtually was challenging and participants would prefer face to face when possible, the feedback was excellent. Based on the post-event survey 81% of mentees rated the overall experience good or excellent, and 93% rated their mentors’ ability to provide advice good or excellent.

“The facilitators created an atmosphere that meant everyone felt comfortable contributing.”
Our mentoring circles are all about bringing people together to make new connections in their community.
TechWomen facilitate groups of 6 mentees and 2 mentors to meet on a regular basis in a safe and supportive environment to discuss professional aspirations and challenges with peers and senior mentors.
What it is:
- Facilitated peer group mentoring
- Group discussion of non-technical aspects career development (e.g. how to work with other people, how to deal with management, how to ask for a promotion)
- Career path planning and development
- Networking with new people
Why mentoring?
A Harvard study of 45 CEOs found that 84% of CEOs credited having a mentor relationship with helping them avoid costly mistakes and becoming proficient in their roles faster. Regardless of your level within the organisation, effective mentoring doesn’t just happen. It relies on you investing in yourself throughout the process.
Why a focus on women?
We currently have approximately 30% female representation within the Tech sector in New Zealand, so we have a way to go to achieve diversity in regard to gender. We believe there needs to be an additional focus on supporting this group. This initiative links closely with the NZ Tech Women goal to help New Zealand women to succeed in the tech sector by creating connections, increasing knowledge and supporting growth.
Get involved
We are always looking for inspirational new mentors and are already planning our 2021 sessions. Watch this space for applications coming out in the new year.
Thank you to all our participants this year, mentors mentees facilitators, sponsors and supporters.