We’ve had a busy few months at TechWomen with lots to catch up on. Starting with Techweek2021 back in May, changes on the board, IoT events, and much more.
We would like to start with thanking the community and our members for all their hard work that has a positive impact on offering fair opportunities and addressing the shortage of women in the Tech industry. Thank you! With all your effort the future will be brighter.
We are delighted to announce the changes on the council; our executive board member Samar Alrayyes has been assigned a co-chair role alongside Eva Sherwood who has been chairing the board with amazing passion for the cause.
We would also like to congratulate Eva and her partner on their new addition to the family; baby Ari and mummy are doing well, and we are eager to give Ari his honorary membership at TechWomen, our youngest member!
Thank you Reseller News, for bringing together a fantastic bunch of incredible and highly accomplished women for the WIICT Awards 8th July 2021. Congratulations to all the winners in Women in ICT Reseller News Awards #WIICT.
Two of our own TechWomen board were finalists! Congrats Amanda Watson and Samar Alrayyes.

The council has been working hard over the last few weeks on our annual planning, and more events and activities will be communicated soon across all channels mentioned below, stay tuned!
This takes us up to August, it’s hard to believe we’re nearly three quarters of the way through the year, another full of change, disruption and opportunity.
TechWomen is a group of passionate New Zealand tech, digital and ICT focused individuals from leading organisations that work together, with the support of NZTech, to help address one of the major challenges for the successful growth of technology in New Zealand – a shortage of women in tech roles.
Visit our Website to know more or become a member and follow our LinkedIn page: TechWomen Page, and LinkedIn Group.
Ngā mihi
TechWomen Team