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enterpriseIT Datathon
enterpriseIT Datathon 6 -7 November, Auckland and Wellington.
enterpriseIT (Servian Group) will be holding a Datathon supported by Dataiku on the afternoon of 6 November and 7 November across our Auckland and Wellington regional offices.
Attendance is free; attendees must attend both sessions.
The organisers will pose a question to you, the participants, to work on using publicly available data, and using Dataiku’s Data Science Studio to help analyse and interpret your answers.
You will be placed into teams to participate in the Datathon. The Datathon will start on the afternoon of Friday 6th November, giving you time to plan your approach and investigate the data. Saturday will be a full day of problem solving, finishing with a presentation by each of the teams. Food and drinks will be available throughout the day, and in the evening we will provide drinks and an opportunity to meet the other teams and the Servian consultants.
A week before the Datathon weekend, Servian will host a pre-event workshop to provide information about Dataiku software. There will be representation and assistance from Servian and Dataiku during the Datathon.
Food, drink, giveaways, judging and prizes will all be part of the event.
Should Covid Alert Levels have increased by the date of the Datathon we will move the event online. Details will be confirmed closer to the time.
Please register your interest here – https://forms.gle/vof8fdn8qsoRFutz8
Venue information:
- Servian Office Auckland – Level 22, Crombie Lockwood Tower, 191 Queen St, Auckland 1010
- Servian Office Wellington – Level 1, 139 The Terrace, Wellington 6011