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TechWomen and NZTech: Towards Sustainable Digital Wellbeing
Experts believe that the rapid digital transformation in delivering health and wellness services will remain, however the future of Digital Health Services must be inclusive and honour Te Tiriti o Waitangi principles.
Join Thorsten Engel, Partner and Healthcare Leader, Deloitte and Kim Connolly-Stone, Policy Director of InternetNZ Ipurangi Aotearoa for a discussion of the key issues;
- How can we ensure equitable use of Digital Health Tools?
- What role does the Whakamaua: Māori Health Action Plan 2020-2025 play in achieving better health outcomes?
- How can genuine co-design increase equality?
- How can we increase the diversity of those designing solutions?
- What are the enabling factors for a sustainable transformation journey?
- How can we avoid algorithm biases?
- What are the key priorities for action?
Kim Connolly-Stone -is the Policy Director at InternetNZ. She leads a team of policy advisors who seek to influence Internet policy and regulation in New Zealand to achieve an Internet for All and an Internet for Good. Kim is currently working with like-minded organisations to establish a digital equity coalition for Aotearoa.
Thorsten Engel – As leader for the Deloitte healthcare practice in New Zealand, I am deeply passionate about improving the health and well-being of New Zealanders. Since I carry qualifications in both medicine and information technology, I have a deep appreciation of healthcare service delivery from the coal-face through to the management suite and Board room. I have had the privilege of conducting numerous assignments for healthcare clients and commercial organisations across a broad range of industries – in a range of different countries and healthcare jurisdictions.
We will be using Sli.do for questions – please download this app and use #TechWomen
Special thanks to Deloitte for hosting and for sponsoring this event.