Aspiring Female Leaders

Yellow 604 Great South Rd, Auckland, New Zealand

Are you or the women in your organisation looking for new career challenges or the opportunity to take on a more senior role that offers management experience?

This workshop is designed to provide the inspiration and motivation needed to take the next step. Participants will be given practical advice on how to develop their leadership style, how to confidently approach opportunities in the workplace and how to progress their career.

3rd Women In Tech & Telco Leadership Summit

Stamford Plaza 22-26 Albert Street, Auckland

Change can be the catalyst for something unimaginable. It can be inspiring and push you far outside your comfort zone. Most importantly, understanding how to capitalise on the constant changes of Tech and Telco will unlock new and innovative opportunities.

Women in Insurance Summit 2019

Hilton Auckland 147 Quay St, Auckland

Drive workplace innovation
Did you know that companies with the highest representation of women on boards attain
significantly higher performance, on average, than those with lower representation of women?

Women of Influence – Auckland Speaker Series

The Mercury Theatre Mercury Lane, Auckland, New Zealand

The Women of Influence Speaker Series is an opportunity for people all over New Zealand, who aspire to make a significant contribution to their community, to fully realise their own potential by learning from some outstanding leaders who have done just that.

Workforce: Inclusion and Diversity – Auckland

Deluxe City Hotel 51a Victoria St, Auckland, New Zealand

Improve your D&I strategy at the 2nd Annual Workforce Inclusion and Diversity conference and hear from 30+ government, business and not-for-profit leaders to drive initiatives that produce tangible results, which would ultimately improve your organisation’s bottom line.

The Women of Influence Speaker Series – Wellington

Te Papa Tongarewa 55 Cable Street, Wellington, New Zealand

The Women of Influence Speaker Series is an opportunity for people all over New Zealand, who aspire to make a significant contribution to their community, to fully realise their own potential by learning from some outstanding leaders who have done just that.

SheSharp: Beyond Digital with Dave Wild

AUT City Campus 55 Wellesley St E, Auckland

Hear from Futurist, Innovator, Strategist DAVE WILD about technology shifts, industry trends and how to be innovative while being future focused. Learn more about the Super Human Thinking and gain a new perspective on forging your own future.

From $5