Take time to Kōrero
Join us for the next NZTechWomen National Webinar during NZ Mental Health Awareness Week.
Find out more »TechWomen Ada Lovelace Day
Join us to celebrate women in STEM on Ada Lovelace Day, the 12th of October
Find out more »IoT Waikato November Meetup
IoT Waikato is an event for innovators, thought leaders and organisations interested in the Internet of Things, Smart Cities & Industry 4.0
Find out more »Celebrating International Women’s Day 2022
Each year TechWomenNZ get together to celebrate International Women’s Day. This year we look at Imposter Syndrome and how it affects women in the IT industry.
Find out more »BOP Women in Tech
Informal panel discussion with some awesome women of varying stages and ages sharing their experiences.
Find out more »Sisters In Tech Snapshot
What happens when you challenge traditional employment models and support wāhine into the tech sector? (Working with NZ Tech, Microsoft and MSD), 3BF has designed an innovative programme to support wāhine into careers in the tech industry. 3Bags Full CEO and Founder Brittany Teei shares a snapshot of how the programme works and just where these … Continue reading "Sisters In Tech Snapshot"
Find out more »Filling the gap: Why improving diversity is key to NZ’s tech sector
Technology skills are in record demand, but diversity remains an issue. How can we make a change and attract local talent into tech careers? The future of New Zealand’s tech sector is significantly important to our local economy. With annual earnings around $14B, the industry is a substantial contributor to our GDP. It’s also a … Continue reading "Filling the gap: Why improving diversity is key to NZ’s tech sector"
Find out more »TWTV: In conversation with Tech Women
A short interview with members of Tech Women.
Find out more »Inspiring Women – Women in Technology Panel
Women have always played a massive role in advancing digital technology. From its inception with Grace Hopper and her machine-independent programming languages, to the women behind the Apollo space missions, all the way to today’s Susan Wojcicki of Google and YouTube, women have left an indelible mark on the world of technology.
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