Women in Data Science – Wellington 2019
WiDS Wellington is an independent event organised by Victoria University of Wellington to coincide with the annual Global Women in Data Science (WiDS) Conference held at Stanford University and an estimated 150+ locations worldwide. All genders are invited to attend WiDS regional events, which features outstanding women doing outstanding work. The Global WiDS Conference aims to inspire … Continue reading "Women in Data Science – Wellington 2019"
Find out more »US author Virginia Eubanks book launch – Auckland
‘Automating Inequality’ author on the impact of technology, data and algorithms on the poor and working-class. US-based professor and writer Virginia Eubanks will visit New Zealand in March for a series of events promoting her new book Automating Inequality and discussing the impacts of technology and big data on the poorest people in society. For … Continue reading "US author Virginia Eubanks book launch – Auckland"
Find out more »US author Virginia Eubanks book launch – Wellington
‘Automating Inequality’ author on the impact of technology, data and algorithms on the poor and working-class. US-based professor and writer Virginia Eubanks will visit New Zealand in March for a series of events promoting her new book Automating Inequality and discussing the impacts of technology and big data on the poorest people in society. For … Continue reading "US author Virginia Eubanks book launch – Wellington"
Find out more »Techweek – TechWomen
Check out some of the amazing women-focused events happening across the country all throughout Techweek - make sure you get along and participate!
Find out more »ON: Creating Tomorrow, Today
Welcome to ON, a full-day conference filled with entrepreneurs, tech-focused panels, interactive expos and tech-prizes to be won by all.
Find out more »Women in Tech Breakfasts – Porirua, Wellington & Petone
Join us to hear inspiring stories from women in tech and network with others who are passionate about helping more women into tech careers. This year the Women in Tech Breakfast series is going regional and we'll be focusing on how we can build capacity in the tech sector, especially by promoting diversity. Each … Continue reading "Women in Tech Breakfasts – Porirua, Wellington & Petone"
Find out more »Inspiring Women in Tech
Come along to MYOB's Women in Tech special event and be inspired, informed and enlightened by the women making a mark on New Zealand's tech sector.
Find out more »TechGirlsNZ
Get ready for a fun morning of meeting likeminded people, hearing inspirational stories, and learning more about tech.
Find out more »Expanding the diversity conversation beyond tech meetups – Wellington
Today, diversity and inclusion (D&I) is top of mind for most boards and executives. Many businesses have policies and initiatives in place to look at how they can improve D&I within their organisations. However, we find most of these programmes are focused on improving the internal gender statistics, often in the form of meetups run by … Continue reading "Expanding the diversity conversation beyond tech meetups – Wellington"
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