Inspiring Women – Women in Technology Panel

The Globe Theatre 312 Main Street, Palmerston North Central, Palmerston North, New Zealand

Women have always played a massive role in advancing digital technology. From its inception with Grace Hopper and her machine-independent programming languages, to the women behind the Apollo space missions, all the way to today’s Susan Wojcicki of Google and YouTube, women have left an indelible mark on the world of technology.

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IoT Waikato June Meetup

The Long Room - Wintec (Hamilton CBD) Tristram Street Hamilton, Waikato 3204 View Map The Long Room - Wintec, Tristram Street, Hamilton, New Zealand

This event provides an opportunity to get together to share and find out what is happening in the IoT, Smart Cities and Industry 4.0 space around the Waikato, NZ, and globally, including opportunities and challenges.

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Senior Girls in Games

Media Design School 10 Madden St Wynyard Quarter, Auckland, New Zealand

Senior Girls in Games is an immersive workshop that covers the basics of Game Art and Game Programming for aspirational game developers.

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