Spatial Data and Making Maps in R
We are thrilled to have Emily Harvey back from the lightning talks to present a workshop using the sf package.
Find out more »Women in Business – Leadership panel
Find out more »Women in Leadership
A unique Leadership course designed by women for women. An opportunity to work with Jess to develop your leadership and career progression aimed at those women who want to develop themselves as leaders. After sellout events in Wellington last year, NZ Author, as seen on TV comes to Auckland, for the first time offering this popular workshop. This is a one day workshop limited to just 10 places to ensure maximum benefit from those who attend.
Find out more »Women in Leadership Summit Wellington
Be part of the change at the 2nd Annual Women in Leadership Summit Wellington.
Find out more »Women in Tech talk #tech4good
In recognition of International Women's Day on March 8 and in collaboration with TechWomen NZ we have pulled together a session to talk about leveraging technology to improve the lives of others and to help make the world a better place for everyone!
Find out more »Negotiation tips to get the opportunities you want and “My Digital Journey”
After an outstanding event at Jade last week the stakes are getting higher for top presentations to our audience.
Find out more »Women in Data Science Auckland
The Women in Data Science (WiDS) initiative aims to inspire and educate data scientists worldwide, regardless of gender, and to support women in the field. WiDS started as a conference … Continue reading "Women in Data Science Auckland"
Find out more »Refactor: Auckland March 2020
It’s a brand new year and Refactor is BACK. We’ve got an incredible kick-off line-up, new catering, and we’re back at the gorgeous Warren & Mahoney studio in Wynyard Quarter. Read on to learn more or grab your ticket now!
Find out more »NZ Tech Women Webinar: Connecting during COVID-19
Join the NZ TechWomen team for our first national on-line session, offering a relaxed opportunity to meet and connect with our wider community.
Find out more »