NZTech – Developing Diversity
Join us for lunch and an engaging panel discussion on how to create a more inclusive workplace. Our panel will explore diversity management strategies, diversity stocktakes, cultivating diversity, closing the gender gap and how to best implement flexible work practices. Gain insight into what is working for local businesses and learn how to empower women … Continue reading "NZTech – Developing Diversity"
Find out more »SUPERdiverse WOMEN Voices
Join us for the inaugural SDW Voices – a line-up of top diverse leaders who will share their diverse journeys and key takeouts, chaired by Mai Chen, Founder and Inaugural Chair of SUPERdiverse WOMEN. Venue: Wintergarden Room, The Northern Club Time: 4:30 pm networking for 5 pm start till 7:30 pm Registration fee: $50 per person Sponsored and brought to … Continue reading "SUPERdiverse WOMEN Voices"
Find out more »NZTech Women Movie: CODE: Debugging the Gender Gap
Please join NZTech Women on Ada Lovelace Day, 10th October 2017, as they host a very special screening of CODE: Debugging the Gender Gap described by Film Journal critic Doris Toumarkine as "Polished, entertaining and informative, ‘CODE’ is mainly a trove of impressive women and articulate voices addressing an important issue". Ada Lovelace Day is … Continue reading "NZTech Women Movie: CODE: Debugging the Gender Gap"
Find out more »TechWomen Lunch Christchurch
2018 International Women’s Day campaign theme #PressforProgress acknowledges the progress the world has made in regards to gender parity, it reminds us, that we as individuals and the wider community cannot become complacent. This year TechWomen are showcasing local stories of "When Diversity Counts" with three simultaneous lunch events across Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch. Each city will have unique local speakers … Continue reading "TechWomen Lunch Christchurch"
Find out more »TechWomen Lunch Wellington
2018 International Women’s Day campaign theme #PressforProgress acknowledges the progress the world has made in regards to gender parity, it reminds us, that we as individuals and the wider community cannot become complacent. This year TechWomen are showcasing local stories of "When Diversity Counts" with three simultaneous lunch events across Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch. Each city will have unique local speakers … Continue reading "TechWomen Lunch Wellington"
Find out more »TechWomen Lunch Auckland
2018 International Women’s Day campaign theme #PressforProgress acknowledges the progress the world has made in regards to gender parity, it reminds us, that we as individuals and the wider community cannot become complacent. This year TechWomen are showcasing local stories of "When Diversity Counts" with three simultaneous lunch events across Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch. Each city will have unique … Continue reading "TechWomen Lunch Auckland"
Find out more »She Loves Data – Data Girls Workshop in Auckland New Zealand
Data Girls is the signature and original workshop under the She Loves Data umbrella, where women from all walks of life get the opportunity to learn the very basics of data analytics from experts for free, no experience required. This workshop is tailored to complete novices and is exclusive to women. We hope it encourages more women to consider a career in … Continue reading "She Loves Data – Data Girls Workshop in Auckland New Zealand"
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