Mon 17th
Tue 18th
Wed 19th
Sat 22nd
Sun 23rd
Week of Events
Expanding the diversity conversation beyond tech meetups – Auckland
Expanding the diversity conversation beyond tech meetups – Auckland
Today, diversity and inclusion (D&I) is top of mind for most boards and executives. Many businesses have policies and initiatives in place to look at how they can improve D&I within their organisations. However, we find most of these programmes are focused on improving the internal gender statistics, often in the form of meetups run by … Continue reading "Expanding the diversity conversation beyond tech meetups – Auckland"
Aspiring Female Leaders
Aspiring Female Leaders
Are you or the women in your organisation looking for new career challenges or the opportunity to take on a more senior role that offers management experience?
This workshop is designed to provide the inspiration and motivation needed to take the next step. Participants will be given practical advice on how to develop their leadership style, how to confidently approach opportunities in the workplace and how to progress their career.