TechWomen News

Techwomen Techweek Event 2021

TechWomen is a group of passionate New Zealand tech, digital and ICT focused individuals from leading organisations that work together, with the support of NZTech, to help address the shortage of women in tech roles.
TechWomen News

Tautoko – Support During Techweek2021

Microsoft/TechWomen and Sponsors got together to host this event in Christchurch for the community impacted by the Christchurch shooting incident to support, enable and upskill the community.
TechWomen News

Closing out 2020

Thank you all for your continued support of TechWomen throughout what has been a challenging year for many of us. Congratulations, you made it! Bring on 2021. This year we were … Continue reading "Closing out 2020"
TechWomen News

Ramping up for the final quarter of 2020

The days are getting longer as 2020 marches on and we learn to adjust to the continuing disruption a global pandemic has on our day to day lives.
TechWomen News

Techwomen at techweek

TechWomen’s Techweek2020 events are online, and they’re free.
TechWomen News

The New Normal

Well, I’m not going to lie to you, the first week of lockdown was very weird! Listening to our PM’s speech was an emotional experience shared by my other friends who had been working from home that day. Bit of a shock to most of us. A day to go down in history like the Christchurch Earthquake. An event was taking place that was reshaping our definition and understanding of “normal”.