TechWomen Techweek Wrap-up Workshop (Digital event)
Come together with people from across the country to discuss the progression of women in the tech industry.
Find out more »NZ Hi-Tech Awards Gala Dinner
The 2020 Hi-Tech Awards Gala Dinner will now be held on Friday the 21st of August as not one, but three events!
Find out more »Webinar: NetHui 2020
New Zealand’s favourite Internet gathering is back. This year it becomes the true net hui, as we are hosting it online. Share your knowledge and ideas, be part of the conversations to help harness the power of the Internet for all New Zealanders.
Find out more »Webinar: Ada Lovelace Day – Women back yourselves – the Tech Industry needs you!
Come and join TechWomen to celebrate Ada Lovelace Day with a conversation about getting the tech job you really want.
Find out more »enterpriseIT Datathon
enterpriseIT Datathon 6 -7 November, Auckland and Wellington. enterpriseIT (Servian Group) will be holding a Datathon supported by Dataiku on the afternoon of 6 November and 7 November across our Auckland and Wellington regional offices. Attendance is free; attendees must attend both sessions. The organisers will pose a question to you, the participants, to work … Continue reading "enterpriseIT Datathon"
Find out more »IoT Waikato Meetup
IoT Waikato is a Wintec initiative run in collaboration with Smart Cities Council Australia New Zealand (SCCANZ) and TechWomen NZ
Find out more »TechWomen Wellington End of Year Celebration
TechWomen Wellington wants to celebrate the end of the year with drinks nibbles and some networking.
Find out more »Orbica – a tech company with women in technical and leadership roles
Orbica are one of the few tech organisations who have been successful in recruiting women into technical as well as leadership roles. What is their secret sauce?
Find out more »TechWomen Dunedin End of Year Celebration
TechWomen Dunedin wants to celebrate the end of the year with drinks nibbles and some networking.
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